Sunday, April 17, 2011

Here's Some Reviews for Your Eyeballs to Enjoy

Scream 4(2011) - 4/10 stars.
Scream 4 isn't quite as bad as the tragedy that was Scream 3 but that doesn't
mean it's anywhere close to being a good film.  Ultimately, its undoing is due
to the fact that it has become what the series originally lampooned.  Group that
with some gag-worthy acting, incorrect film references and predictable plot turns
and you have Scream 4.  I know, it sucks.
My Little Eye(2002) - 7/10 stars.
It's always comforting when a low budget film succeeds in doing what it set
out to do.  This can be said about Marc Evans' My Little Eye.  A film that
plays with the idea of a real snuff film.  It has plenty of flaws but there are
just enough scares and interesting shots to cancel most of them out.

Alice, Sweet Alice(1976) - 8/10 stars.

Before modern cinema overused the "evil child" subgenre, there were actually
several quality films on the subject.  Alice, Sweet Alice aka Communion is a 
great testimony to this.  It's low budget so it looks dirty and there are enough 
horrific scenes to keep you up for at least a few hours after you finish watching.

The Hitcher(2007) - 1/10 stars.
Despite how miserable Scream 4 was, it did make a very good point: "when
making a remake, never f*ck with the original."  Well friends, that's exactly
what this piss poor, botched attempt at a film does.  It think it's more hip
and edgy than the original but it falls flat in every area.  It's like watching
the Broadway musical version of High Fidelity on video tape.  Just see
the original, otherwise you're wasting your time.  

Rubber(2011) - 8/10 stars.
Low expectations usually lead to a very enjoyable viewing experience and that's
precisely what happened here.  Rubber is probably gonna be an acquired taste
for most but if you're a fan of David Lynch or Werner Herzog, it will be rather
easy to enjoy.  There's really not much else to say, you kind of just need to see it.

Per usual, I really appreciate you guys reading my silly ramblings about movies.  If you enjoy my reviews, please tell your friends to check them out and maybe even put a link up on Facebook.

I am still working on my review of The Night Gallery and after that I will do a full review of the 80's version of The Twilight Zone.

Thank you so much,
Ian C Dub

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

H.P. Lovecraft, Crazy Hobos, Demons, and Zombies, Oh My!

Re-Animator(1986) - 8/10 stars.
Stuart Gordon's first H.P. Lovecraft adaptation is arguably his best.  This is
a near perfect blend of horror and comedy that numerous films from today could
take a lesson from.  Jeffrey Combs is perfect in the role of Herbert West and for
the most part, all of the performances are spot on.  Any fan of 70's and 80's zombie
flicks will, without question, really enjoy enjoy this picture.

Bride of Re-Animator(1990) - 5/10 stars.
This, sadly, is a prime example as to why sequels are, so often, unnecessary.
There are definitely enjoyable moments and Jeffrey Combs shines in his role
once again.  However, once the credits begin to role, it feels like nothing but
a cheap knock off of the first film. 

Beyond Re-Animator(2003) - 3/10 stars.
Everything bad about Bride of Re-Animator is topped in ten fold by this mess.
The only, and I mean only, redeeming quality here is, again, Jeffrey Combs.
I swear, that guy could have made Spider Man 3 enjoyable.

From Beyond(1986) - 8/10 stars.
This was Stuart Gordon's second attempt at an H.P. Lovecraft story and though
many would say that it's his best, I think it's just as good as Re-Animator.  Jeffrey
Combs plays a very different character here and shows that he has a serious ability
to act as just about anything.  There's plenty of laughs but even more scares and
this has rightfully gone down as a classic in horror history.

Dinner for Schmucks(2010) - 3/10 stars.
Paul Rudd and Steve Carell should be ashamed of themselves for starring in
this catastrophic mess.  The story goes nowhere for about 90 minutes and at
that point, you'll be shaking your head, desperate for the final scene.  It's only
about an hour and fifty minutes but it feels over long.

Insidious(2011) - 9/10 stars.
Not that it has much competition, but this is 2011's best film thus far.  A very
good script mixed with some of the scariest visuals ever put to film will leave
you terrified.  It's definitely inspired by Poltergeist but fans of the original
Amityville Horror and The Shining will find plenty to love here.  Personally,
I think this is what horror should look like.  Finally, a film that relies on storyline.

Hobo With a Shotgun(2011) - 7/10 stars.
I was fortunate enough to receive an advanced copy of this film, but I found
myself to be a tad disappointed.  Don't get me wrong, there was plenty to love
about this film.  I guess I just wanted more.  But in all honesty, if you enjoy classic
grindhouse cinema with large amounts of unnecessary blood and cheesy lines,
you'll probably enjoy Hobo With a Shotgun.  You can wait for it to hit theaters in
May, or you can click the link below and watch it now!

Thank you for reading, as usual.  Check back soon for my full review of Rod Serling's Night Gallery.  Cheers!