Tuesday, February 22, 2011

I Rank the Best Picture Nominations

10. The Kids Are Alright
An awful film that borders on being prejudice toward straight people.  The
writers clearly didn't care about their characters.  I am baffled as to why films
get Oscar nominations just because they have gay themes.  I know that gay
people should probably be offended by this blatant and unrealistic stereotype.

9. 127 Hours
Basically, you take the news story, some Danny Boyle visuals and James Franco's
fantastic acting ability and poof, you have a movie.  The question is: do you have a
best picture worthy movie?  I really don't think so.  It's an entertaining film but little

8. Toy Story 3
A wonderful family treat with stellar animation and superb storytelling.
However, the problem with this film being nominated for the award is that
it is no where near as good as it's two predecessors.  Neither of those films
ever received a nomination like this.  

7. Inception
If you're reading through this list, you've probably realized that I don't agree
with most of this year's nominees.  Inception is no exception.  As a summer
blockbuster, it's incredible with non stop action and more than decent performances.
However, the lack of originality and overuse of cliche  action moments makes me confused
as to why this deserves to be considered best picture. 

6. True Grit
All the right intentions are here, barring what Steven Spielberg was expecting to
get out of it.  The reason this film fails is because it's too Hollywood and is missing
the "grit" that its title boasts.  It simply did not feel like Cohen Brothers movie and
that was a very big letdown.

5. The Fighter
Finally, the first film on the list that believe should be on the list.  I usually don't
enjoy biopics but the pacing of this one kept me entertained.  I would also like to
mention that Christian Bale's performance is arguably the best of the year.  This
is one you should see.

4. Winter's Bone
Dark, mysterious, disturbing and moving.  Winter's Bone takes you into its
world and doesn't let you breathe until it's over.  I was glad to see it on the
list and hope it urges more people to check it out.

3. The King's Speech
Most of the time, simplicity is the most beautiful thing a film can have.  The
King's Speech proves.  It is truly just a film about a king going through speech
therapy so he can give a speech.  The of this is that the filmmakers were able to
focus on the story and the incredible dialogue.  Not to mention, the actors were

2. Black Swan
As a classic horror fanatic, I was pleased to see such a dark and disturbing
film on the list.  It's easily one of 2010's best and any fan of the macabre will
be amazed.

1. The Social Network
Here it is, what I think is the best possible candidate for best picture.  This is
one of the best character studies I can recall and as a filmmaker, there have been
few films that have inspired me like it has.  The script, dialogue, story, direction
and just about everything else, except Justin Timberlake, is simply awesome. It
won at The Globes, let's keep our fingers crossed!

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