Sunday, October 9, 2011

31-Day Horror Challenge Day Nine: Eden Lake

Horror can come in many different forms.  Vampires, ghosts, goblins, zombies, you name it.  In Eden Lake's case, it just so happens to come in the form of teenagers.  Ah yes, the teenage years, such a rash and unpredictable age.  What makes this film so effective is the fact that stuff like this is actually going on in the world.  Take The Dnepropetrovsk Maniacs for example.  With all of that in mind, This film is terrifying.

Jenny and Steve, a young couple, head out on camping trip at a lake in country.  Steve is planning to propose to Jenny and everything is serene and wonderful.  That is until a little run in with some local hoods escalates to the point of torture and even murder.  This movie will literally break you down.

Eden Lake is so sinister and disturbing that it's actually difficult to recommend.  While it does do a great job of showcasing the fallen nature of human beings, it is extremely hard to watch.  Only give it a look if you're as desensitized and me.

____  ____  8/10 Jack 'O Lanterns

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