Tuesday, November 23, 2010

More Reviews, Mostly Disturbing Films

30 Days of Night(2007) - 8/10 stars.
Sadly, I feel that movie is very underrated and hasn't gotten the recognition it deserves.  The plot is extremely intriguing and well thought out.  Imagine your town going dark for a month and becoming overrun with vampires.  Well, at least I thought it was a good idea.  You can decide for yourself.

An American Crime(2007) - 8/10 stars.  
I watched this and another version of the same story, The Girl Next Door, which you can read about below.  It is truly disturbing to even fathom that this actually happened to a girl.  But yes, it is a true story.  Check it out but you probably won't feel comfortable for most of the film. 

A Simple Plan(1998) - 8/10 stars.
A Simple Plan proves that Sam Raimi can move from genre to genre with ease.  I loved the sober tone in this film and the building feeling of dread that lingered throughout.  There's plenty of different things mixed in for everyone to enjoy.  Not to mention the remaining question, what would you do in this situation? 

Eden Lake(2008) - 9/10 stars.
This movie broke me down.  I can easily say that this a most frightened/disturbed I have ever been during a movie.  There is something about murderous teens that makes me super unsettled.  Maybe it's the fact that it's just a rash age or maybe I can thank the story of The Dnepropetrovsk Maniacs.  In any case, horror fans will go nuts for this one.

Gummo(1997) - 2/10 stars.
A pointless experiment in a semi-post apocalyptic setting.  The narrative simply is not there, the characters are annoying, and the direction is all over the place.  The only way I'd recommend this film is if you are extremely bored and there is literally nothing else to watch.

The Hills Have Eyes(2006) - 8/10 stars.
This is a very rare occasion in which I enjoy the remake just as much as the original.  It is overly gory and extremely visceral but you actually care about the characters and the story.  This is another film I highly recommend to horror aficionados.

Idiocracy(2006) - 9/10 stars.
Mike Judge's Idiocracy needs to be viewed as more than a comedy.  It's a social commentary and a downright scary that predicts a very possible future.  Sure, it's hilarious and you'll find yourself quoting it with your friends, but it also shows the damages our culture is going through and what will happen if we don't change.

Bully(2001) - 6/10 stars.  
This movie could have been great if it had focused more on the crime these kids planned to commit rather than long, monotonous sex scenes.  Larry Clark seems to have no idea what he's doing.  He's handed an amazing opportunity at telling a true story and he bogs it down petty teenage drama.

Kids(1995) - 7/10 stars.
Another Larry Clark film that borders on exploitation.  Like Eden Lake, I was overly disturbed by this flick but in a  completely different way.  I guess the realism is what got to me.  This can and actually does happen often.  Yikes!

Paranormal Activity 2(2010) - 2/10 stars.
A pointless sequel to a pointless movie.  We all saw The Blair Witch Project, we don't need two versions of its rip off.  Thank you very much.

Watchmen(2009) - 9/10 stars.
This is the only movie by Zack Snyder that I have enjoyed so far.  He should keep doing films like this.  The effects are spot on, the story is great, and the characters are near perfect.  Sadly, it is very underrated.  Decide for yourself.

The Girl Next Door(2007) - 9/10 stars.  
I think this is the better version of An American Crime.  I cared more about the characters and what they were going through.  Oh, and Ellen Page wasn't in this one.  That's always a plus.

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