Wednesday, October 24, 2012

31 Day Horror Challenge Day Twenty Four: Cockneys VS. Zombies(2012)

In this day and age it is nearly impossible to make a zombie film that stands apart from the legion of other zombie films being produced.  Cockneys vs. Zombies succeeds in this task with flying colors.  Think of it as a mix between Shaun of the Dead and Hot Fuzz with a dash of Shoot ‘Em Up thrown in.  Don’t be fooled by the awful title, this is a very funny and intelligent movie.

In an attempt to save their grandfather’s East London retirement home from demolition, three siblings plan to rob a bank.  In the midst of their inept crime, a zombie breakout occurs and suddenly they have bigger problems than evading local authorities.  They now must save their grandfather and his that are trapped in the retirement home surrounded by hundreds of flesh eating zombies.

One of my favorite things about this film is that all the characters know what zombies are and recognize exactly what is happening as it happens.   Unique points of the story like that really make this a gem.  Other than that, the direction and acting are great.  There are plenty of laughs but there is a lot of heart as well.  Please give this one a chance!

9/10 stars.

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